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GVHS Related

This article first appeared in the "GVHS Related" column of the "The Low Down to Hull and Back News". Reprinted with permission. See list of GVHS Related articles or search Low Down Articles.

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New book focuses on Irish influences

By Hunter Cresswell

UTG Cover
The cover of "Up the Gatineau!" Volume 45 features an 1850 pastel by Alfred Worsley Holdstock titled "On the Gatineau." It is believed to depict Paugan Falls. Photo courtesy Gatineau Valley Historical Society.

If one stood on the old Hamilton Motors lot next to Café Molo in Wakefield and travelled back in time to the late 1800s, they would find themselves standing in a general store that sold candy, dry goods, and farm machinery owned by blacksmith and undertaker Isaac Brown York.

York is the subject of one of 10 articles in the soon-to-bereleased 45th volume of 'Up the Gatineau!', published by the Gatineau Valley Historical Society. The article 'A History of Dying in the Gatineau Valley' was written by first-time contributor and McGill University history graduate Hannen Sabean

Sabean's article highlights how the rural and urban deathcare industries and attitudes toward undertakers evolved differently.

Sabean's article highlights how the rural and urban deathcare industries and attitudes toward undertakers evolved differently.

The publication also highlights the Gaelic speakers of the Gatineau Valley, a photo essay of the Gatineau Valley, poems about the Gatineau River, and more.

"A key theme that emerged this year was the influence of the early Irish immigrants who left behind the hardships of Ireland to settle in the Gatineau Valley, beginning almost two centuries ago," said volunteer editor Louise Schwartz in an email. "Every year, a new lineup of authors step forward with memoir- or biography-style articles, or research on some aspect of Gatineau Valley history."

An index of more than 11,000 references to names, places, and events is accessible on the historical society's website for free or in print for $10. The new volume of the journal costs $10 and will be available in early June at many retailers in Chelsea, Wakefield, and Cantley, or directly from the GVHS.

The society is holding its official launch of the new volume during its annual dinner on May 27 at 5:30 p.m. in the Camp Fortune lodge. Fore more information, visit the society's website at gvhs.ca.