Churches and Places of Worship

St. Peter's Anglican Church, Cawood

St. Peter's Anglican Church

This area was settled in the 1850s by Irish pioneers. In 1882, the cornerstone for St. Peter's Church in Cawood Township was laid and the building was completed in 1893. St. Peter's, Cawood was clapboarded in 1896 and four acres of land was bought for a parsonage glebe. In 1910, a new church was being built to replace the old one. The second St. Peter's Church was consecrated on August 22, 1912. By 1970, the congregation had dwindled in numbers and St. Peter's, Cawood was secularized by the Right Rev. Tom Greenwood. Upon the sale of the church, the proceeds were added to the Foster Bequest Cemetery Fund for use by the Cawood Cemetery Board. It was demolished in 1974 and moved to another area for reconstruction. This plaque was dedicated, 8 July, 1979.

St. Peter's Anglican Church

St. Peter's Anglican Church

Additional Resources:

St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery

Centennial of the United Municipalities of Alleyn & Cawood Township Externl Link

List of Gatineau Valley Cemeteries.