Churches and Cemeteries
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Kazabazua
Prior to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church being established, parishioners of Kazabazua attended mass at Lac Sainte-Marie. Then in 1931 the decision was made to have Mass every Sunday in the small Catholic school, constructed in 1931 in Kazabazua. With the number of Catholic families increasing, in 1949 the Ministry of Education decided to have a school and chapel built. The first level housed the school and the basement was a chapel, until 1963 when the school closed its door as a new school was built in a different location in the village. With the departure of the school from the building, the 4 classrooms on the main level were converted to a chapel.
Stanley Hogan’s family donated an ornate chalice, which is still being used to this date.

Additional resources:
Fiftieth Anniversary of Our Lady of Sorrows Church Venosta, 1943-1993
List of Gatineau Valley Churches.