Churches and Cemeteries
Church Records
This searchable database has been compiled from an index to church records in the Wakefield area. It was an initiative led by Donald McGarry, and Lawrence and Dorothy (Walsh) Cross. The handwritten record books were being called in by the United Church Central Archives and they wanted to retain some sort of record to keep locally. Although it refers to churches in Alcove and Rupert as well as Wakefield, these three towns were a three point charge for most of its existence (meaning one minister for these three churches) ...with the minister's manse, and thus vault, containing the books, in Wakefield.
These records contain names and dates and can be useful as leads. Please try variant spellings – names were sometimes misspelled in the records.
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(Note: a search term must be a minimum of 4 characters for an exact word match)
Use quotations (" ") to search for an exact phrase:
(Example: "wakefield mill" you will get only results that include all those words in that order.)
Use the (+) symbol before the search term to include only items with the exact search terms.
(Example:: +wakefield +mill will list items containing both wakefield and mill.)
Use the minus (-) symbol to exclude all the terms you don't want.
(Example: +wakefield -mill will list items containing wakefield and exclude mill.
The result list incorporates a Google feature to refine the list to exact terms(s).
(Example: clicking on "Must include: mill" will include only items with the search term mill)