Up the Gatineau! Journal History

Up the Gatineau! is the GVHS's local history journal, published each spring and distributed free to GVHS members. Copies of any volume can be ordered from the Society, obtained from the GVHS at its monthly talks and special events, at the Society’s archives office during open hours, by mail or picked up at over a dozen retail shops from Chelsea to Wakefield and further north.

Volume 1 was published in 1975; its name, Up the Gatineau!, was selected as the winner following an informal competition among members. The winning name was submitted by Ann Kelly (formerly Crane).

In 1984, in honour of retiring Society president, Arthur Davison, the Society established a prize in his name. The Arthur Davison Prize is awarded annually to the person judged to have made the most outstanding contribution to Up the Gatineau!

Over one hundred authors, both professional and amateur, have contributed over the years, on a diverse range of topics related to the Gatineau Valley. A number of them, in particular Carol Martin and Archie Pennie, have written multiple stories.

Louise Schwartz has been the editor since Volume 38 in 2012. She was preceded by Carol Martin, who edited a record 21 volumes from 1990 to 2011, only one of her numerous contributions to the Society.

Charlotte Kindle, Patrick M.O. Evans, and Arthur Davison took credit for Volume 1 UTG! selection and editing duties in 1975. Arthur Davison continued as editor for the next 12 volumes up to 1987, followed by Patrick M.O. Evans for 1988, Stuart Geggie in 1989, and Ann Chudleigh in 1990. Both Stuart Geggie and Ann Chudleigh were co-editors with Carol Martin in 1990.

Low Down articles

The following are articles about Up the Gatineau! published in "The Low Down to Hull and Back News":

'Up The Gatineau!' turns 50 (2024)
Secret society revealed in latest Up the Gatineau! (2023)
Up the Gatineau! on shelves now (2021)
New book focuses on Irish influences (2019)
Women's stories front and centre in Hills history (2018)
'Up the Gatineau!' Highlights W'field's beloved community physician (2017)
Rowdiness, not royalty, in Chelsea (2016)
Cantley's quirky history (2015)
History lovers rejoice: Up the Gatineau! celebrates 40th birthday (2014)
Lowdown on Low in 'Up the Gatineau!' (2009)
Read all about it in the latest Up the Gatineau! (2010)
'Up the Gatineau' hits 'hot' topic (2005)
Newest volume boasts movers, shahers, gourmets (2004)
27 years and Up the Gatineau! still flies high (2001)