Up the Gatineau! Article
This article was first published in Up the Gatineau! Volume 5.
100th Anniversary of St. Stephen's Church
Old Chelsea, Que.
For some time prior to 1845 the Catholic community of Chelsea and area was served as a Mission of the nearby parish of Aylmer of which Rev. Father Desautels was the priest.
It was on October 15th, 1845, that the parish of Chelsea was established as a separate entity with Rev. James Hughes in charge. Through his efforts a large wooden church and a presbytery were soon erected. As a living memorial to the 14 years of Father Hughes‘ devoted service, during which time he gained the admiration of all who knew him, the present site of St. Stephen's was donated as a 100 acre tract of land by Lennox Brigham, a member of the Church of England.
Father Hughes was succeded by Fathers McGoey, McGowan, Shalloe and Foley. During the latter‘s tenure the present stone church was started in 1879. Father Brown came next and the church was completed under his guidance.
He was followed by Fathers Maguire, Fontaine, Poulin, McGovern, Carriere and McNally. During the pastorate of the latter the church was beautifully decorated and stained glass windows were installed.
Then came Fathers Dowd, Stanton, Smith and Mooney. Rev. Francis Brennan was pastor for the long span from 1959 until 1978 when Father Maurice Theoret, the present incumbent, was appointed and it was he who researched the records for the material for this article.
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the present church which will be the 134th year since the founding of the parish, there will be a garden party in June of this year.